As a photographer, I am particularly interested in the following topics: non-landscape nature photography, urban landscape photography, the fuzzy edges where manmade structures impose into nature and nature imposes back, and toilets. I strongly value composition over narrative focus, and I find joy in the feeling of a beautiful photograph arranging itself before my eyes as I move my feet. The world has a boundless ability to produce beauty, often in unexpected places, and my goal as a photographer is to discover and share that beauty.
I have had work featured in Subjectively Objective’s books and gallery, Black Box Gallery in Portland, and Praxis Photo Center.
Boundary Waters Canoe Area
I’ve been going to the BWCA at least once a year since I was 4. It is a source of overwhelming tranquility and photographic inspiration.
Saint John's University
These photos from SJU, where I went to undergrad, and surrounding areas were taken during several trips back to campus after moving to California for grad school.
backyard jungle
This is the most narrowly defined series I’ve ever worked on. Each photo here was taken with a Panasonic GX85 and a Cosmicar 22.5-90mm Television lens at 90mm and f1.5. The way this lens transforms views of everyday plants into exotic, even alien, landscapes gave rise to the name of the collection.
Subjectively Objective Submission
This is a series of images I submitted to subjectively objective’s Investigations in Infrastructure book/gallery project. I had a photo accepted and published in the final book, which you can buy here. I think my submitted photos make for a small but cohesive collection in their own right.