Like many R users, I’ve primarily worked with tabular datasets that
can fit into R’s working memory. All the skills you use pretty much
apply equally to your data, regardless of size. However, once you hit
the point where your data are too big to fit into R’s working memory,
you often hit a bit of a cliff. Suddenly you are faced with a whole new
world of databases and SQL and “big data” tools. However, a lot of
datasets don’t really require more than a minimal SQL database, and with
the advent of dbplyr
, you can
use tidyverse
functions on database connections. I’ve used
this approach on several occasions, and it is really slick.
However, one of the issues you might face is how to get your tabular data, probably in the form of a massive CSV file, into the SQL database. I recently had someone ask about how you would do this, and I realized I had never actually converted a single big CSV into a database. You can’t just read the data into R and then send it into the database, since the CSV is too big to read into R at once. You could try to manually split up the CSV, but that’s quite annoying. A smart approach is to read the CSV into R in chunks, and sequentially write each chunk to the SQL database. Doing some quick searching, there are lots of resources on working with SQL databases in R, but not a whole lot on solving the problem I just described.
I will walk through approaches to convert CSV files into tables in
SQLite databases, for cases where you have a single huge CSV or multiple
smaller CSVs. It will also serve as a basic demo for using a local
SQLite database in R with dbplyr
First up, let’s load our required packages.
We will be using a bunch of diffrent tidyverse
functions, the DBI
package to work with our database,
to create an SQLite database, here
relative file paths, and vroom
to do some testing to ensure
that our CSV and SQL tables are similar.
I’ll be working with a directory called example_data/
so if you want to follow along, make sure you have a matching folder
wherever you are working.
We will be working with dplyr
’s storms
data. It’s only 10,010 rows, not nearly big enough that it wouldn’t fit
in R’s working memory, but for the sake of this demonstration, it will
do just fine. If you want to actually use a huge CSV file, go right
write_csv(storms, here("example_data", "storms.csv"))
Next thing we will do is create/connect to our SQLite database. SQLite a pretty minimal type of SQL database that only has a single file, so it’s nice for our relatively straightforward use case of just getting our data out of R’s working memory.
The following code will connect to a database at the path
. If this file doesn’t exist
yet, it will be automatically generated.
mydb <- dbConnect(SQLite(), here("example_data", "storms.sqlite3"))
Next thing we need to do is read our CSV into R and then write it to
a table in the SQLite database. Since we want to do this for CSVs that
are too big to fit in R’s working memory, we will read the CSV in
chunks. The read_csv_chunked()
function allows us to do
this. We have to give it the path to our CSV, a function to run on each
chunk (the callback
argument), the maximum number of rows
per chunk, and a specification of column types1 SQL can’t store factors, and the storms
data has “category” as a factor. However, the values are actually
numbers, so I put them down as integers in this specification string. So
when they are read from the CSV, they are treated as integers, and
copied to the database as integers.. It is important to
specify column types when doing this, because of the way
guesses column types. Typically, readr
will read a certain number of values in a column and then guess the
type. However, readr
only has access to our data one chunk
at a time, so it might guess different column types for the same column
across different chunks. Specifying columns explicitly is always a safer
We will define an anonymous function inside our
call. The first argument is the CSV
chunk, and the second argument is just a dummy argument, which
requires (not entirely sure why). Our
anonymous callback function will access our database connection with
, make a table inside it called "storms"
and then append our CSV chunk to that table. By doing this to each
sequential chunk, we end up transferring the whole CSV file into the
table, without ever having the whole CSV in
read_csv_chunked(here("example_data", "storms.csv"),
callback = function(chunk, dummy){
dbWriteTable(mydb, "storms", chunk, append = T)},
chunk_size = 1000, col_types = "cddidddciiidd")
I’ve chosen a chunk size of 1000 lines, which is really only for demonstration purposes. For a big CSV you will certainly want to increase this. The exact size will depend on the number of rows and columns in your CSV, so you might have to tinker a little bit.
At this point, our SQLite database should contain a
table that has everything from the CSV in it. Now
we can use the tbl()
function to generate a connection to
that table, which will behave similarly to a normal data.frame.
stormsdb <- tbl(mydb, "storms")
stormsdb %>%
filter(year == 1980)
stormsdb %>%
filter(year == 1980) %>%
This isn’t a full dbplyr
tutorial, but the basic idea is
that you can take that stormsdb
object and run various
functions on it. These get translated into SQL
queries that will return the data you want. However, the queries are
lazy, meaning not all the matching rows are returned until you ask for
them. This is good, since what gets returned might be too big to fit
into memory. You can use the collect()
function to actually
read the data into R, generating a tibble
object to work
If you have a bunch of smaller CSVs that you want to put into one big
SQL table, the process is slightly different. First we’ll generate a CSV
file for each year in the storms
data2 How exactly I’m doing this isn’t very important for this
particular lesson, but the basic idea is to create a nested tibble with
a year column and a data column. Then we use pwalk()
write a CSV for each row, using the data column as the CSV contents and
the year column as part of the filename.
dir.create(here("example_data", "storms_by_year"))
storms %>%
group_by(year) %>%
nest() %>%
pwalk(function(year, data){
write_csv(x = data, file = paste0(
here("example_data", "storms_by_year", "storms_"),
year, ".csv"))})
We will assume that each individual CSV is big enough to fit into memory, and that the issue is how big they would all be when combined into one data.frame. So instead of reading one big CSV in chunks, we’re reading each CSV and immediately writing it to the SQLite database, so only one CSV is ever in memory at one time.
mydb2 <- dbConnect(SQLite(), here("example_data", "storms_many.sqlite3"))
Here we define a function that does a couple things. First, it
extracts the year value from the filename, since that data is only
stored in the filename. It’s not uncommon for the filename to have some
data associated with it when you’re working with many files. Then we
read in the CSVs, defining our column types3 In this case, we only have 12 columns when the CSVs are
first read in, rather than the 13 in the storms
because the year value got stripped out and put into the file names., and then re-adding
the year value into a new column. Finally, the dataframe is appended to
the "storms"
table in our database.
add_csv_db <- function(path, db){
year <- basename(path) %>%
str_remove("storms_") %>%
str_remove(".csv") %>%
d <- read_csv(path, col_types = "cdddddcidddd") %>%
mutate(year = year)
dbWriteTable(db, "storms", d, append = T)
Now we get a list of file paths to our individual CSVs, and then use
the walk
function to run our add_csv_db()
function on each file. walk
is like map
, but
when you only care about the side effects of a function. Our function
doesn’t return anything, we only care about the side effect of writing
the data to the database.
csv_names <- list.files(here("example_data", "storms_by_year"))
csv_paths <- here("example_data", "storms_by_year", csv_names)
walk(csv_paths, add_csv_db, db = mydb2)
tbl(mydb2, "storms") %>%
I was going to describe a way to combine the two approaches if you need to combine a bunch of CSVs that are too big to fit into memory, but honestly, it felt a little silly. If you are working with multiple CSVs that are too big to fit into memory, you should probably look into other, more sophisticated database approaches. SQLite databases all fit into one file, which is convenient if they aren’t too large or complex, but once you get into the realm of truly big data, it’s probably worth investing a bit of time into a more robust approach.
One of the issues with generating our SQL database is that we are
appending the chunks to our "storms"
table. If you run the line of code with read_csv_chunked()
again, it will repeat the process, appending the contents of the CSV to
the "storms"
table, giving you a duplicated table and a
bigger .sqlite3
file. Plus, since nothing actually went
wrong, you won’t get an error.
If you have already done this, don’t worry. You can delete the
file and just run all the code again to
regenerate the database. For the future, it would be nice to verify that
our CSV and "storms"
table match each other, and ensure
that the code doesn’t run again if they have the same number of rows
First, we’ll use vroom
to read the number of lines in
our CSV, subtracting 1 for the header.
nrow_csv <- length(vroom_lines(
here("example_data", "storms.csv"), progress = FALSE)) - 1L
Next we want to read the number of lines in our "storms"
nrow_db <- tbl(mydb, "storms") %>% summarise(n = n()) %>% collect() %>% pull(n)
Finally, we can compare the number of rows to ensure that they match.
nrow_csv == nrow_db
## [1] TRUE
We might want to consider the case where something goes wrong, and
only part of our CSV was written to the database, or part of the CSV was
duplicated. So we want to run the run_csv_chunked()
only if the "storms"
table is empty, but we want to know if
something went wrong and the table isn’t empty, but it has the wrong
number of rows4 This method of checking whether our CSV and SQL table
match is quite minimal and not very robust. It’s a good first pass, but
in general, you probably want to do more thorough checks, like running
summary stats on each column and comparing them. Data validation of this
sort is a topic unto iself..
Another little issue that comes up here is that if our SQLite
database is empty, tbl()
will tell us the
table doesn’t exist, so the following code will
return an error instead of a value of 0:
nrow_db <- tbl(mydb, "storms") %>% summarise(n = n()) %>% collect() %>% pull(n)
To solve this, we can use the possibly()
function from
. It allows you to generate a version of an existing
function that will return a default value if there is an error. We will
make a version of tbl()
that returns an empty data.frame if
there is an error, which will lead to a calculation of 0 rows.
tbl_p <- possibly(tbl, otherwise = data.frame())
nrow_db <- tbl_p(mydb, "storms") %>% summarise(n = n()) %>% collect() %>% pull(n)
Finally, we have correct values for the number of rows in our SQLite
table and our CSV, and we can run our code to
generate the "storms"
table appropriately:
if(nrow_db != 0 & nrow_db != nrow_csv){
stop("DB not empty, but the number of rows does not match the CSV.")
} else {
if(nrow_db == 0){
read_csv_chunked(here("example_data", "storms.csv"),
callback = function(chunk, dummy){
dbWriteTable(mydb, "storms", chunk, append = T)},
chunk_size = 1000)
This will first alert us if the "storms"
table isn’t
empty but has the wrong number of rows. Then, if the table
is empty, it will use read_csv_chunked()
to populate the table with the data from our CSV.
The process of checking the number of rows is similar for our “many
smaller CSVs” case, but we need to check the rows of every CSV and add
them together. We can use map_dbl()
to apply our
length-checker to every CSV, giving us a numeric vector that we then
take the sum of.
nrow_csv_many <- map_dbl(csv_paths,
~length(vroom_lines(.x, progress = FALSE)) - 1L) %>%
nrow_db2 <- tbl(mydb2, "storms") %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
collect() %>%
nrow_csv_many == nrow_db2
## [1] TRUE
nrow_db == nrow_db2
## [1] TRUE
This ended up being slightly more involved than I had anticipated, but I think it still solves a problem I could imagine more than a few people coming across. The cliff when you hit data that are too big for R’s memory can be daunting, so hopefully this will help ease the plunge.