Instructor Notes

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Introduction to R and RStudio

You can walk through this analogy if you want, or skip over it if you don’t find it useful.

Data visualization with ggplot2

Probably worth mentioning that people often just say ggplot when referring to the package ggplot2.

Exploring and understanding data

Working with data

It’s worth showing the learners that you can run a pipeline without highlighting the whole thing. If your cursor is on any line of a pipeline, running that line will run the whole thing.

You can also show that by highlighting a section of a pipeline, you can run only the first X steps of it.

Putting it together

This entire episode could be cut depending on time and/or how your learners are progressing. The previous episodes cover what could be considered the most fundamental skills, while this episode focuses more on putting them together and how they interact when encountering real, messy data. The new skills covered will be combining multiple datasets with join_ functions and bind_rows(), and doing some exploratory data analysis and detection in order to clean a messy dataset.

The next Challenge is mandatory for later steps in the lesson- if you choose to not use it as a Challenge, you should still go through the code to get the data into long format.

Extra Challenges